Maintaining Your Home with the 10-Year Update Cycle
There are several reasons why a home may require a little work periodically. Let’s face it: all homes require maintenance to retain their

Think You Might Move to the NYC Suburbs?Here’s What to Do First
There is a growing trend of people leaving the city to find homes with a backyard and a place to work and play with greater ease. Then, as i

Don’t Let the Pandemic Dash Your Design Dreams, learn about online, virtual or e-design!
Now more than ever, we are staying at home, and it’s important to have an environment that makes us feel good and functions well. Towards...

5 Design Scenarios for Multigenerational Living Comfort
When Pamela’s college closed during the COVID-19 lockdown, she returned home to live with her parents and two younger brothers, Matt and...

How to Choose a Low Maintenance Home Design
Even though there is no such thing as a no-maintenance home, a low maintenance home is highly achievable. This means that you won't be spend

5 Tips on Choosing the Best Outdoor Furniture
Choosing outdoor furniture is uniquely challenging because the furniture needs to withstand the elements, while reflecting the lifestyle and

Adjusting Your Way to a Comfortable Workspace at Home:
Let’s face it: far too many of us are now dealing with aches and pains from our makeshift work-from-home setups. As an applied science, ergo

Spruce Up Your Home for Spring
After being cooped up at home during the cold, rainy, or dreary winter months, it’s refreshing to make some changes to your home and bring i

Fun, Unique Wallpaper Choices for Room Transformation
Wallpaper has made a huge comeback in the last few years in the design industry. There are so many versatile ways that wallpaper can be used

Ease the Work from Home Transition with Multipurpose Rooms and Furnishings
Not having planned to do that before and we are finding that it disrupts our space and sense of balance. We may need to share that space wit