Ready to Downsize? Now What?
Downsizing or Rightsizing: Which Furniture Do I Take?

So, you’ve decided to move into a smaller space, and your great new location is just the right size for you. You’ve already done the hard work of decluttering. Now, how do you determine which furniture to keep and which to leave behind?

Let’s face it: changing or getting rid of furniture can be emotionally difficult. That said, you will be happier with the aesthetics of your new home when you take the time to plan out the space.
First, pay attention to scale and proportion. Compare your old home to your new one. For instance, if some of your new rooms will be smaller, the best idea is to replace furniture that was better suited to a larger house.
Here’s my five-step process to plan out your new space:
1.Determine how you’ll use each room in your new space. Once you’ve thought about your lifestyle needs, you may want to swap out some of your existing furniture for multifunctional pieces. Some ideas include:
A sofa bed
A seat with storage inside
Modular furniture
2.Measure every piece of furniture and every room in the new space. Here’s how: Measure across each end of the room, wall to wall. Mark all windows and doors. Measure each window and how far it is from the wall. Note the height of the window sill. Measure each door, including closet doors. Allow room for the door to swing. Mark all heating and air conditioning elements so you won’t block them with furniture.
3.On paper, draw each room, including all windows and doors. Include the furniture, at the size you want in the room. Remember, you’ll need sufficient space for walking and opening drawers. Also, make sure that the corners of the furniture won’t overlap when opened
4.Consider the aesthetics.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do the items you are taking with you create a look that pleases you?
Does the layout reflect your taste and personality?
Do you have sufficient storage?
Is everything in good condition?
5.Take another look. It might be time to reupholster a favorite piece of furniture or donate it. Don’t bring something along on the premise that you’ll get rid of it later. It likely won’t get done.
Moving time is just the right time to bring in an interior designer to help you carry out your rightsizing plan, so if you think you may need some assistance, call Interiors by Dafna Adler at (516) 234-5425 or email or book a discovery call!
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